June 25, 2008

Making Decisions

This whole issue began after I was talking to my friend the other day about all the decisions in our lives and how much each one truly affects our lives. Well last night, as I was lying in bed having no luck trying to fall asleep, I had this awesome revelation. I was thinking about decisions and how if you make one bad one does that screw up God's entire plan for our life…

I mean, if I made one decision that wasn't exactly what God had in mind for my life, does that mean that I'll never get back on the right path? I don't really believe that's how God works, but then I don't know how I'm suppose to make these hard decisions. I know each choice brings us closer to or farther from God's ultimate goal for our lives, but I'm just wondering if maybe there are detours. Can I get to the original destination just with a few cutoffs and side roads? I believe God knows all our decisions before we make them, and the best illustration of this is in a book I read by C.S. Lewis. In his book, he describes how God views our lives and shows how life is like a parade, we are on the ground watching each float one at a time (aka the present) but God is up above it all, seeing what has already passed and what is to come all at the same time (aka past, present, and future). I love this description because it doesn't show God causing things to happen because we do all have decisions to make, it illustrates how He simply knows the decisions that we will make and what the outcomes will be for each one before we make them. So since He knows what I'm going to do, maybe He creates other opportunities for me to get to my destination, just not in the original design.

I can't even count how many times I have sat agonizing over a decision and never really believing I have an answer from God. It helps, in these times, to know that since I am truly searching for an answer from Him no matter what choice I make He will ultimately bless my life; whether through that good decision or another opportunity if it was the wrong one because I sought Him through it all. I know this makes no sense but in order to make decisions in my life, I'd like to think that each one isn't going to change the entire course of my life because that's way too much pressure! Scripture even shows us that no matter what decision we make as long as we are seeking God He's going to bless our lives. A verse that really seems to back up my theory is found in Proverbs 16:3, it says "Committ to the Lord whatever you do and your plans will succeed."

For someone who is still trying to figure out what life has in store for them, it is so encouraging knowing that my life is going to be a success as long as I'm continually looking to Him!

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